

Element: versionnews.2022.10.l.5



  • 2022.10.l.3 LONGIFLORUM
  • Unlocalized for DE
  • Unlocalized for ZH-HANS
  • Unlocalized for RU
  • Unlocalized for JP


  • - Game no longer crashes when challenged with a corrupted save file. Instead, you are prompted to try restoring a backup. - Upon crashing on startup, the game will automatically turn off all enabled mods. If don't want this behaviour (for example, when testing your own mod), add "knock=1" to config.ini. - Additional precautions when loading mod-affected saves. - Mods with empty synopsis no longer crash the game. - Rites which consume followers will no longer suggest that they can be used to renew Burgeoning or Shattered Risen. Technically they renewed *and* consumed the Risen, which was legitimate but not very helpful. - HOTFIX: Occasional save incompatibility with the previous version is fixed. - HOTFIX: Strange and unexpected card presences - seasons, books, and many more - are fixed. For a moment, you've peeked under the veil of the game's inner workings - these were the game decks, and they became visible. - HOTFIX: Fixed a crash on lore subversion. - MODDING: Verbs can now have innate aspects (defined as "aspects": { "something": 1 }). - MODDING: Verbs can now react to xtriggers - in particular, to transform into a different verb. Keep in mind that verbs still <b>can't</b> have mutations.
  • Unlocalized for DE
  • Unlocalized for ZH-HANS
  • Unlocalized for RU
  • Unlocalized for JP

Cross texts: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: None

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by: None

Triggered from: None

Triggers: None

Requirements for Recipes: None

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in: None

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None