Element: moth
- Moth
- Motte
- 蛾
- Мотылёк
- 蛾
- I knew a man who captured moths in a bell-jar. On nights like this, he would release them one by one to die in the candle. [Moth is the wild and perilous principle of chaos and yearning.]
- Ich kannte mal einen Mann, der Motten unter einer Glasglocke gefangen hielt. In einer Nacht wie dieser ließ er sie immer eine nach der anderen frei, um sie in einer Kerze sterben zu lassen. [Die Motte ist das wilde und riskante Prinzip von Chaos und Sehnsucht.]
- 我知道有一个人会将蛾子捉来关在玻璃罩下。然后在如今夜一般的夜晚,将它们逐个放出,令其死于火烛。[<b>蛾</b>,狂野又凶险,是混沌与渴慕的准则。]
- Мой знакомый ловил мотыльков и сажал их под стеклянный колпак. В ночи, подобные этой, он выпускал их одного за другим и смотрел, как они умирают в пламени свечи. [Мотылёк — непредсказуемый и опасный принцип хаоса и стремлений.]
- 蛾を鐘形ガラス器に入れて捕まえる男がいた。このような夜には、彼は1匹ずつ放ち、ロウソクの炎の中で死んでいくのを見つめていた。[予測不可能で危険な蛾は、混沌と切望の信条である。]
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by: None
Triggered from:
- _ally.mortal <- killmortal
- _ally.mortal.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.barber <- upgrade.exile.ally
- ally.barber <- killmortal
- ally.barber.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.delver <- killmortal
- ally.delver.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.fivegoer <- killmortal
- ally.fivegoer.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.ghoul <- killmortal
- ally.ghoul.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.huntress <- killmortal
- ally.huntress.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.smuggler <- killmortal
- ally.smuggler.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.visionary <- killmortal
- ally.visionary.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.vivisectionist <- killmortal
- ally.vivisectionist.fatigued <- killmortal
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes:
Effect of Recipes:
Mutated by:
mortal -> +1A_startrose_change_initiate
follower -> +1L_give_tool_grailmoth
follower -> +1L_give_tool_mothb
follower -> +2L_give_tool_mothd
follower -> +3L_give_tool_mothf
apostleforge.pillar4.dormant -> -99explore.apostleforge.findflaw
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? Yes
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None