Element: leo_a
- Leo, an acquaintance
- Leo, eine Bekanntschaft
- 熟人里奥
- Лео, знакомый
- 知人のレオ
- Leo is an earnest sort with an interest in the occult. He hangs on your hints about the invisible arts. [You might be able to recruit this acquaintance as a follower.]
- Leo ist ein ernster Typ, der sich für das Okkulte interessiert. Er hört dir begierig zu, wenn du Andeutungen zu den unsichtbaren Künsten machst. [Du könntest diese Bekanntschaft vielleicht als Anhänger rekrutieren.]
- 里奥是个真诚的人,有着对密教的兴趣。他对你所暗示的无形之术很在意。[你或可以招募这位熟人作你的追随者。]
- Лео — честный малый. Он интересуется оккультизмом, и ваши слова о незримых искусствах притягивают его. [Возможно, получится превратить в последователя.]
- レオはオカルトに興味がある真面目な人だ。目に見えない術に関するあなたの発言が彼を惹きつけている。[信奉者としてこの知人を勧誘できるかもしれない。]
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: mortalacquaintancefollower_lustchange
Induces: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by:
- derangemortal -> lunatic
- killmortal -> corpse
- recruiting -> leo_b
Triggered from: None
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes: None
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in:
+1follower_scar_edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+2edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+1follower_scar_knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+2knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+1follower_scar_winter <- independent_givescar_winter
+2winter <- independent_givescar_winter
associate <- send.mortal.intro
-1romanticinterest <- lockfollowerincupboard
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_power_initiate
+1forge <- A_startrose_power_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
+1grail <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
+1lantern <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1heart <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1moth <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1resentment <- L_activatejealousy
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_power
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_sensation
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_enlightenment
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_change
0follower_wound <- talktofollower_heal
0follower <- talktofollower_heal
follower_wound <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
-1follower <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
apostleforge.pillar4.dormant <- work.apostleforge.baptisefollower
follower_wound <- explorevault_casualty
-1follower <- explorevault_casualty
follower_wound <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed
-1follower <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? No
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: uqleo
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: acquaintances
Comments: None