

Element: contact.labhite.fallen



  • Fallen Labhite
  • Gefallener Labhite
  • 坠落的狻猊
  • Падший Лабит
  • 堕落したラビト


  • Labhites maintain their power and their position as long as they consume only those things that are found in the sky. This one's apparently been seduced by Echidna's notorious milks... which raises a number of questions, but the most urgent question is, what are we to do with him now?
  • Labhiten behalten ihre Macht und ihre Stellung solange sie nur das verzehren, was sie am Himmel finden. Dieser hier hat sich offenbar von Echidnas berüchtigter Milch verführen lassen ... was gleich mehrere Fragen aufwirft, wobei die dringlichste ist: Was sollen wir jetzt mit ihm machen?
  • 狻猊只吃来自天空的食物来保持它们的力量和地位。这只显然是被厄客德娜臭名昭著的乳汁诱惑了……这引出了许多问题,但最紧迫的问题是,我们现在该拿它怎么办?
  • Лабиты сохраняют силы и позиции, пока они поглощают только то, что находя в небесах. Этого, по-видимому, соблазнило то самое молоко Ехидны... к чему есть немало вопросов. Но самый важный из них: что теперь делать?
  • ラビトは、空にあるものだけを消費する限り、その力と地位を維持する。このラビトは、どうやらエキドナの悪名高いミルクに誘惑されたようだ......いくつかの疑問がわいてくるが、至急解決しなくてはいけない問題は、彼をどうするかということだ。

Cross texts: None

Inherits: _contact.mortal

Inherited by: None

Aspects: mortalcontact.local

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by:

Triggered from: None

Triggers: None

Requirements for Recipes:

Effect of Recipes:

Mutated by: None

Mutated in:
+1follower_scar_edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+2edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+1follower_scar_knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+2knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+1follower_scar_winter <- independent_givescar_winter
+2winter <- independent_givescar_winter
associate <- send.mortal.intro
-1contact.local <- send.associate.upgraded
-1romanticinterest <- lockfollowerincupboard
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_power_initiate
+1forge <- A_startrose_power_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
+1grail <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
+1lantern <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1heart <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1moth <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1resentment <- L_activatejealousy
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_power
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_sensation
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_enlightenment
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_change
0follower_wound <- talktofollower_heal
0follower <- talktofollower_heal
follower_wound <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
-1follower <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
apostleforge.pillar4.dormant <- work.apostleforge.baptisefollower
follower_wound <- explorevault_casualty
-1follower <- explorevault_casualty
follower_wound <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed
-1follower <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None