Element: shrine.lionsmith
- Shrine: Lionsmith
- Schrein: Löwenschmied
- 神祠:狮子匠
- Храм: Львокузнец
- 祠:ライオンスミス
- A secret shrine of a secret god: the power sometimes known as the Lionsmith. My old mob knew to avoid his shrines.
- Ein geheimer Schrein eines geheimen Gottes: die Macht, die zuweilen als der Löwenschmied bekannt ist. Mein alter Mob wusste, dass man seine Schreine meiden sollte.
- 一所隐秘的神祠,供奉着一位隐秘的神明:这位神灵有时被称为“狮子匠”。我以前的同伙都知道应该避开他的神殿。
- Тайный храм тайного бога: сила, известная под именем Львокузнеца. Мой приспешник знал, что не стоит посещать его храмы.
- 秘密の神、時にライオンスミスとして知られる力を祭る秘密の祠。昔の仲間は祠に近寄らなかった。
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: None
Induces: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by: None
Triggered from: None
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes:
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? Yes
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None