Element: benefactorm_proposedtoplayer
- Lord Timothy Munday
- Lord Timothy Munday
- 提摩西·曼迪勋爵
- Лорд Тимоти Мандей
- ティモシー・マンデー卿
- In a moment of passion, Lord Timothy has proposed marriage. If I seize the moment and accept, this will transform my life... and close other doors forever. [Talk to his Lordship before his enthusiasm wanes, or he'll feel spurned.]
- In einem Moment der Leidenschaft hat Lord Timothy um meine Hand angehalten. Wenn ich die Gelegenheit beim Schopfe packe und ja sage, verändert sich mein Leben ... und andere Türen schließen sich für immer. [Sprich mit Seiner Lordschaft, bevor sein Enthusiasmus nachlässt, sonst fühlt er sich verschmäht.]
- 在一瞬激情的推动下,提摩西勋爵提出结婚。如果我能抓住机会同意,如果我能抓住机会接受,我的人生将会改变……并失去其他的前路。[请在勋爵的热情消退前和他谈话,否则他会觉得自己被甩了。]
- В минуту страсти лорд Тимоти предложил мне сочетаться с ним браком. Если я соглашусь, моя жизнь изменится навсегда... и другие двери навеки закроются. [Поговорите с его светлостью, пока его энтузиазм не угас, или он решит, что его отвергли.]
- 情熱の瞬間に促されて、ティモシー卿が結婚を申し込んできた。チャンスを逃さずに受け入れたら、私の人生は変わり......前に進むべき道を失ってしまう。[閣下の熱意が冷める前に、または断られたと勘違いされる前に、話しかける。]
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: mortalbenefactor_proposal
Induces: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by:
Triggered from:
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes: None
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in:
+1follower_scar_edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+2edge <- independent_givescar_edge
+1follower_scar_knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+2knock <- independent_givescar_knock
+1follower_scar_winter <- independent_givescar_winter
+2winter <- independent_givescar_winter
associate <- send.mortal.intro
-1romanticinterest <- lockfollowerincupboard
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_power_initiate
+1forge <- A_startrose_power_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
+1grail <- A_startrose_sensation_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
+1lantern <- A_startrose_enlightenment_initiate
romanticinterest <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1heart <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1moth <- A_startrose_change_initiate
+1resentment <- L_activatejealousy
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_power
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_sensation
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_enlightenment
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_change
0follower_wound <- talktofollower_heal
0follower <- talktofollower_heal
follower_wound <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_abductfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_murderfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_craftworkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_seducefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_burglefailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_auguryfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
-1follower <- followeraction_hoodwinkfailure_losefollower
follower_wound <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
-1follower <- evidencedestroyfailure_mortalfollower
apostleforge.pillar4.dormant <- work.apostleforge.baptisefollower
follower_wound <- explorevault_casualty
-1follower <- explorevault_casualty
follower_wound <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed
-1follower <- long.executestrategy.assault.injurefollower.defencefailed
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: 180.0
Decay To: benefactorm_rejectedplayer
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? No
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: uqbenefactorm
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None