

Element: spirit_grailc_moth



  • Raw Prophet
  • Roher Prophet
  • 原生先知
  • Бескожий пророк
  • 未熟な預言者


  • Sometimes it divides, sometimes it unites, sometimes she speaks words of warning, sometimes he advises on appetite. Its prophecies are confusion, their whispers confound.
  • Manchmal teilt es, manchmal eint es, manchmal spricht sie Worte der Warnung, manchmal gibt er Rat zum Appetit. Seine Prophezeiungen sind Verwirrung, ihr Flüstern verwirrt.
  • 时而分散,时而聚集,她时而预言灾难,他时而宣扬食欲。它的预言让人困惑,它们的低语致人混淆。
  • Порой он разделяет, а порой — объединяет. Иногда она предупреждает, а иногда — советует дать волю жажде. Пророчества этого существа сбивают с толку, его шёпот запутывает.
  • ある時は分裂し、ある時は団結し、ある時は彼女が警告の言葉を語り、ある時は彼が欲について助言する。その予言は混乱を招き、その囁きは混乱を招く。

Cross texts: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: followersummoned8grail8moth8deceiverspiritsicknessprotectorspiriteatsreason

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by:

Triggered from: None

Triggers: None

Requirements for Recipes:

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in:
+1resentment <- long.executestrategy.intrigue.follower.seduce.defendpassion.succeed
+1resentment <- long.executestrategy.intrigue.poison.follower.resentment.succeed
poison.notoriety <- long.executestrategy.intrigue.poison.follower.notoriety.succeed
+1resentment <- L_continuerose_risen
+1resentment <- suspicion_followerexonerated
+1follower_scar_edge <- givescar_edge
+2edge <- givescar_edge
+1follower_scar_knock <- givescar_knock
+2knock <- givescar_knock
+1follower_scar_winter <- givescar_winter
+2winter <- givescar_winter
+1edge <- L_give_tool_edgeb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_edgeb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_edgeb
+2edge <- L_give_tool_edged
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_edged
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_edged
+3edge <- L_give_tool_edgef
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_edgef
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_edgef
+1forge <- L_give_tool_forgeb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_forgeb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_forgeb
+2forge <- L_give_tool_forged
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_forged
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_forged
+3forge <- L_give_tool_forgef
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_forgef
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_forgef
+1grail <- L_give_tool_grailmoth
+1moth <- L_give_tool_grailmoth
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_grailmoth
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_grailmoth
+1grail <- L_give_tool_grailb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_grailb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_grailb
+2grail <- L_give_tool_graild
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_graild
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_graild
+3grail <- L_give_tool_grailf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_grailf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_grailf
+1heart <- L_give_tool_heartb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_heartb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_heartb
+2heart <- L_give_tool_heartd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_heartd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_heartd
+3heart <- L_give_tool_heartf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_heartf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_heartf
+1knock <- L_give_tool_knockb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_knockb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_knockb
+2knock <- L_give_tool_knockd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_knockd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_knockd
+3knock <- L_give_tool_knockf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_knockf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_knockf
+1lantern <- L_give_tool_lanternb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_lanternb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_lanternb
+2lantern <- L_give_tool_lanternd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_lanternd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_lanternd
+3lantern <- L_give_tool_lanternf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_lanternf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_lanternf
+1moth <- L_give_tool_mothb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_mothb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_mothb
+2moth <- L_give_tool_mothd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_mothd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_mothd
+3moth <- L_give_tool_mothf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_mothf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_mothf
+1secrethistories <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesb
+2secrethistories <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_secrethistoriesd
+1winter <- L_give_tool_winterb
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_winterb
follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_winterb
+2winter <- L_give_tool_winterd
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_winterd
2follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_winterd
+3winter <- L_give_tool_winterf
-1resentment <- L_give_tool_winterf
3follower_honoured <- L_give_tool_winterf
-1resentment <- L_rebellion_noactivation

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: 180.0

Decay To: influencegrail

Burn To: None

Decay from: pre.spirit_grailc_moth

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None