Element: grail
- Grail
- Gral
- 杯
- Чаша
- 聖杯
- Hunger, lust, the drowning waters. [The principle of the Grail honours both the birth and the feast.]
- Hunger, Lust, das ertränkende Wasser. [Das Prinzip des Grals ehrt sowohl die Geburt als auch das Gelage.]
- 食、色、性,有溺而无还者也。[<b>杯</b>是生育与飨宴的准则。]
- Голод, похоть, манящая глубь. [Принцип Чаши чтит таинства рождения и пира.]
- 空腹、欲望、溺れるほどの水。[聖杯の信条は誕生と饗宴を称える。]
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by: None
Triggered from:
- _ally.mortal <- killmortal
- _ally.mortal.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.barber <- killmortal
- ally.barber.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.delver <- killmortal
- ally.delver.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.fivegoer <- upgrade.exile.ally
- ally.fivegoer <- killmortal
- ally.fivegoer.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.ghoul <- killmortal
- ally.ghoul.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.huntress <- killmortal
- ally.huntress.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.smuggler <- killmortal
- ally.smuggler.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.visionary <- killmortal
- ally.visionary.fatigued <- killmortal
- ally.vivisectionist <- killmortal
- ally.vivisectionist.fatigued <- killmortal
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes:
Effect of Recipes:
Mutated by:
mortal -> +1A_startrose_sensation_initiate
follower -> +1L_give_tool_grailmoth
follower -> +1L_give_tool_grailb
follower -> +2L_give_tool_graild
follower -> +3L_give_tool_grailf
apostleforge.pillar4.dormant -> -99explore.apostleforge.findflaw
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? Yes
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None