

Element: vault.vivisectionist



  • Corpshaus Mamurra München
  • Corpshaus Mamurra München
  • 慕尼黑的马穆拉俱乐部
  • Приют Мамурры в Мюнхене
  • コープスハウス・マームッラ・ミュンヘン


  • A charming brick house with crow-stepped gables and a pair of venerable pines at the front door. In the attic, the Mamurren perform their rites of pain and courage. This will hurt.
  • Ein bezaubernder Ziegelsteinbau mit Treppengiebeln und ein paar ehrwürdiger Kiefern vor der Tür. Auf dem Dachboden halten die Mamurren ihre Riten der Pein und des Mutes ab. Das wird wehtun.
  • 一幢有着尖顶山墙的漂亮砖房,门前矗立着两棵古老的松树。马穆拉俱乐部的成员在阁楼上举行痛苦与勇气的仪式。这会是一段难捱的时光。
  • Очаровательный кирпичный дом со ступенчатыми фронтонами и парой старинных сосен у главного входа. На чердаке Мамурры совершают свои обряды муки и мужества. Будет больно.
  • 玄関先の老朽化した一対の松の木と、階段状破風が特徴的な魅力的なレンガ造りの家。屋根裏部屋ではマムラの者が痛みと勇気の儀式を行う。痛くなりそうだ。

Cross texts: None

Inherits: _vault.exile

Inherited by: None

Aspects: locationvault

Induces: None


Commute: None

Triggered by:

Triggered from:

Triggers: None

Requirements for Recipes: None

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in:
guardian_watchers_pre <- long.executestrategy.assault.setambush.expedition.continue.watchers
guardian_monks_pre <- long.executestrategy.assault.setambush.expedition.continue.monks
guardian_dead_pre <- long.executestrategy.assault.setambush.expedition.continue.dead
guardian_serpent_pre <- long.executestrategy.assault.setambush.expedition.continue.serpent

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? Yes

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None