

Recipe: unveil.rowenarium.towardsafundamentalaestheticsecondedition

Start label: None


  • Reveal a Treasure of the House
  • 揭露居屋的秘藏
  • Явить одно из сокровищ Дома

Preface: None

Start Description:

  • If I insert a sufficient key...
  • 如果我插入正确的钥匙……
  • Если я вставлю подходящий ключ...

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None


  • It is very hard, among the reflections of the Rowenarium, to understand what exactly, or who, has just opened - but I can see very clearly what has just been revealed.
  • 在罗威娜之厅的反光中,很难弄清究竟是何物,或是何人将门阈开启——但我可以极为清晰地看见刚刚被揭露的事物。
  • Среди отражений Ровенария трудно понять, кто открыл что и кем он был – но я хорошо вижу представшую перед моими глазами находку.

Verb: library.rowenarium.spencer.downlibrary.rowenarium.spencer.outlibrary.rowenarium

Requirements: 3knock3winterkey

Table Requirements: None

Extant Requirements: -1t.towardsafundamentalaestheticsecondedition

FX Requirements: None

Joint Requirement: None

Joint Absence RequirementNone

Effects: t.towardsafundamentalaestheticsecondedition

Aspects: fatiguing

Global triggers: None

Mutation Effects: None

Purge: None

Halt Verbs: None

Delete Verbs: None

Alternate Recipes: None

Additional Recipes: None

Linked alternate recipes: None

Linked Recipes: None

From Recipes: None

Pre-slots: None

Slots: None

Warmup: 60

Maximum executions: 0

Deck effectsNone

Internal Deck: None

Ending Flag: None

Signal Ending Flavor: None

Portal: None

Craftable? Yes

Hint Only? No

Signal Important Loop? No

Comments: None