Culture: en
Exonym: English
Endonym: English
Font script: latin
Bold allowed? Yes
Released? Yes
UI Labels:
- ui_overflow: $Go to Threshold <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kboverflow}]</smallcaps>
- ui_nextcomplete: $Go To Next Completed <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbnextcomplete}]</smallcaps>
- ui_pause: $Pause <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbpause}]</smallcaps>
- ui_unpause: $Unpause <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbpause}]</smallcaps>
- ui_slowerspeed: $Slower <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbslower}]</smallcaps>
- ui_normalspeed: $Normal <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbnormalspeed}]</smallcaps>
- ui_fasterspeed: $Faster <size=60%><smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbfaster}]</smallcaps>
- ui_open_wisdoms: View the Tree of Wisdoms
- ui_close_wisdoms: Return to the World
- verb_start: $Start <smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbstartrecipe}]</smallcaps>
- verb_collect: $Collect <smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbcollectall}]</smallcaps>
- verb_refill: $Refill <smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbrefillslots}]</smallcaps>
- verb_running: Running...
- ui_unlock: $Unlock <smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbstartrecipe}]</smallcaps>
- ui_draghint_title: Navigating Brancrug
- ui_draghint_text: Left-click to interact with objects and rooms; right-click or use cursor keys to move your view around (or change keys in Settings).
- ui_draghint_text_osx: Left-click to interact with objects and rooms; right-click or use cursor keys to move your view around (or change keys in Settings). <i>MAC NOTE! On an Mac touchpad, use two fingers and push down to get a right-click-drag effect.</i>
- ui_ambittables_crafting_hint: See, and choose, the crafting recipes associated with this Skill - but some unusual, exotic or hidden recipes are harder to find. (Click to hide this panel.)
- ui_ambittables_crafting_show_hint: Click to show the crafting helper.
- verb_accept: $Accept <smallcaps>[{SETTING:kbcollectall}]</smallcaps>
- ui_click_to_name: [click to name]
- ui_resume: Resume
- ui_return: Return
- ui_browse: Browse Files
- ui_defaults: Defaults
- ui_saveexit: Save And Quit
- ui_load: Load
- ui_histories: Histories
- ui_delete: Delete
- ui_loadgame: Load Game
- ui_saves: Saves
- ui_backups: Backups
- ui_save: Save
- ui_savegame: Save Game
- ui_save_name_placeholder: Name?
- ui_deletesave: Delete Save
- ui_deletesavedesc: This will irrevocably destroy your saved progress. Are you quite sure?
- ui_keepsave: Keep Save
- ui_cantsave: Can't save...
- ui_cantsavedesc: Something went wrong when we tried to save your game. If you continue without saving then it MAY recover, but we recommend reloading your last good save.
- ui_cantload: Can't load...
- ui_cantloaddesc: Your save file appears to be corrupt. Try loading an earlier game or restoring a backup save file. Sorry. :(
- ui_suspicious_save: A Peculiar Save?
- ui_suspicious_savedesc: Something strange has happened to your save file. Perhaps your mods require a reconfiguration to load it properly. Or you can try your chances and load the game anyway.
- ui_safemode: Safe Mode
- ui_safemodedesc: The game crashed on startup. We've disabled all mods to put it in safe mode. You can restore your previous mod configuration. Keep in mind it can cause a crash again.
- ui_restore: Restore
- ui_discard: Discard
- ui_options: Options <size=60%><alpha=#99>[ESC]
- ui_optionstitle: Settings
- ui_begin_track_again: Begin Track Again
- ui_next_label: Next:
- ui_hush_for_now: Hush for Now
- ui_next_track: Skip To Next Track
- ui_opt_birdworm: Bird / Worm
- ui_bird: Order
- ui_worm: Anarchy
- ui_card: Card
- ui_on: On
- ui_off: Off
- ui_snap_0: Off
- ui_snap_1: 1 Card
- ui_snap_2: ½ Card
- ui_snap_3: ¼ Card
- ui_snap_4: 1/8 Card
- ui_autosortoverlap_none: No Overlap
- ui_autosortoverlap_50: Overlap 1/2, Display 1/2
- ui_autosortoverlap_25: Overlap 1/4, Display 3/4
- ui_kb_startrecipe: Start Recipe
- ui_kb_collectall: Collect Results
- ui_kb_refillslots: Refill Slots
- ui_kb_pause: Pause
- ui_kb_normalspeed: Speed: Normal
- ui_kb_fastspeed: Speed: Fast
- ui_kb_slower: Speed: Slower
- ui_kb_faster: Speed: Faster
- ui_kb_stackcards: Auto-Arrange All Trays
- ui_kb_undo_modifier: Revert: Auto-Arrange + Hold...
- ui_kb_overflow: Go to Items Overflow at Threshold
- ui_kb_nextcomplete: Go to Next Complete Recipe
- ui_kb_zoomin: Zoom In
- ui_kb_zoomout: Zoom Out
- ui_kb_zoom1: Close Zoom
- ui_kb_zoom2: Mid Zoom
- ui_kb_zoom3: Far Zoom
- ui_kb_zoom4: Farthest Zoom
- ui_kb_truckleft: Left
- ui_kb_truckright: Right
- ui_kb_pedestalup: Up
- ui_kb_pedestaldown: Down
- ui_kb_toggle_hud: UI Show/Hide
- ui_kb_tray1: Memories Open/Close
- ui_kb_tray2: Soul Open/Close
- ui_kb_tray3: Skills Open/Close
- ui_kb_tray4: Sundries Open/Close
- ui_kb_clickmodifierdesc: Right-Click or Double-Click - Send to Open Slot
- ui_kb_shiftclickmodifier: Open Slot in Nearest Workstation - hold ...
- ui_kb_ctrlclickmodifier: Open Slot in Nearest Verb - hold ...
- ui_visual: Video
- ui_audio: Audio
- ui_controls: Controls
- ui_other: More
- ui_language: Language
- ui_fixedspace: <mspace=0.7em>
- ui_minutes_postfix: min
- ui_seconds_postfix: sec
- ui_minutes_suffix_short: m
- ui_seconds_postfix_short: s
- ui_time_separator: .
- ui_dlc_and_mods: THE SIXTH HISTORY
- ui_dlc_purchase: Purchase
- ui_dlc_coming_soon: COMING SOON
- ui_alternative_starts_blurb: DLC and mods can open alternative beginnings to you.
- ui_installed_mods: Installed mods
- ui_mods_introduction: Expansions and mods allow you to play new roles - or change the game in other ways.
- ui_mods_introduction_steam: Find more mods at the <link=""><color=#ccd2e8><b><u>The Sixth History</u></b></color></link>.
- ui_mods_no_mods: No mods are currently installed.
- ui_continue: Continue
- ui_begin_game: New Game
- ui_credits: Authors
- ui_version_news: News
- ui_leave_game: Leave
- ui_askconfirm: Confirm?
- ui_askconfirm_newgame: Start a new game, overwriting your save?
- ui_browse_saves: VIEW SAVE FILE
- ui_enable: Enable
- ui_disable: Disable
- ui_upload: Upload
- ui_update: Update
- ui_bring_the_dawn: Bring the Dawn
- ui_perpetual_edition: Perpetual Edition
- ui_loadedtitle: Welcome back, Librarian
- ui_loadeddesc: Everything is remembered; Hush House endures. [Game loaded successfully.]
- ui_wisdomstitle: The Tree of Wisdoms
- ui_wisdomsdesc: Scholars and adepts recognise nine Wisdoms... though they disagree where one Wisdom ends and another begins. Something for me to think about. [Travel the Tree of Wisdoms to learn secrets and to gain Elements of the Soul.]
- loading_quote_1: “BOOKS ARE THE MEMORY WHICH DOES NOT DIE.” (inscribed in five languages over the gate of Hush House)
- loading_quote_2: <i>Go quietly. BOOK OF HOURS is a forgiving sort of game. If you're worried you might be stuck... there's usually another way.</i>
- ui_aspect: Aspect:
- ui_slot: Slot:
- ui_greedy: Grabs a card to fill its void
- ui_consumes: Consumes its contents
- ui_unique: Unique: Can only exist once
- ui_upcomingdraws: Upcoming draws:
- ui_decays: This type of cards decays and can not be stacked.
- ui_emptyspace: Cards and objects can go here; but not all cards, or all objects
- ui_cantmerge: Can't merge cards
- ui_cantput_title: That can't go there
- ui_cantput_desc: <i>It doesn't match the slot's requirements - check the requirements by clicking the slot.</i>
- ui_aspectsrequired: Needs (at least one):
- ui_aspectsforbidden: Forbidden:
- ui_aspectsessential: Needs (all of):
- ui_roominput_label: UNLOCK
- ui_roominput_description: [Unlock and refurbish rooms with assistance from villagers and outsiders. Use your Elements of the Soul to enhance their abilities and reach more challenging rooms.]
- ui_room_already_unlocking: [YOU CAN ONLY UNLOCK ONE ROOM AT A TIME.]
- ui_wisdominput_label: EXPLORING THE TREE
- ui_wisdominput_description: [Every skill could belong to one of two Wisdoms. Decide which by assigning it here. This will grow your understanding of the Wisdom, and reward you with an Element of the Soul card.]
- ui_or: , or
- ui_list_separator: ;
- ui_fullstop: .
- ui_hint: Hint:
- ui_defaultname: J.N. Sinombre
- ui_langswitchnotes: Note: we recommend starting a new game after you switch languages. Switching mid-game can cause issues with the display of some text.
- ui_opt_resolution: Resolution
- ui_opt_unlock_all_resolutions: Unlock All Resolutions
- ui_opt_unlock_all_resolutions_tooltip: The UI looks better in 16:10 resolutions - but if you want or need to try a more exotic resolution, tick this box.
- ui_window_mode: Window Mode
- ui_window_mode_tooltip: Drag window to change resolution in Windowed Mode
- ui_windowed: Windowed
- ui_fullscreen: Full Screen
- ui_opt_graphics_level: Graphics Quality
- ui_opt_graphics_level_tooltip: 'Homely' will show lower quality background textures, and needs a restart
- graphics_level_0: Homely
- graphics_level_1: Admirable
- graphics_level_2: Glorious
- ui_opt_vsync_level: VSync
- ui_opt_vsync_level_tooltip: Switch on VSync if you're getting screen tearing. Switch to VSync + Frame Cap if your machine is struggling to maintain a stable frame rate.
- ui_pause_notifications: Pause These Notifications
- vsync_0: Vsync + Frame Cap
- vsync_1: VSync
- vsync_2: No VSync
- graphics_needs_restart: Restart the game for this change to take effect.
- ui_opt_accessible_cards: Accessible Card Text
- ui_opt_accessible_cards_tooltip: Projects a larger, more easily readable version of the card on mouseover
- ui_opt_contrast: High Contrast Mode
- ui_opt_contrast_tooltip: White rather than yellow in text windows
- ui_font_size: Font Size
- ui_font_size_tooltip: May cause oddities at the very high end.
- ui_opt_infoduration: Notification Popup Duration
- ui_opt_infoduration_tooltip: Controls the duration of the on-screen popups
- ui_opt_uiscaling: UI Scaling
- ui_opt_uiscaling_tooltip: 125% coming soon
- ui_opt_mastervol: Master Volume
- ui_opt_mastervol_tooltip: Controls the whole mix
- ui_opt_musicvol: Music
- ui_opt_musicvol_tooltip: (Find the Music Player on the left)
- ui_opt_sfxvol: Sound Effects
- ui_opt_sfxvol_tooltip: Sounds when you drag or click things
- ui_opt_weathervol: Weather
- ui_opt_weathervol_tooltip: The sounds of the sky
- ui_opt_environmentvol: Ambience
- ui_opt_environmentvol_tooltip: The sounds of the waves, the winds, the village
- ui_traversal_header: Traversal
- ui_notifications_header: Notifications
- ui_card_trays_header: Card Trays
- ui_zoom_to_cursor: Zoom to Cursor
- ui_zoom_to_cursor_tooltip: Experimental! Still working on this one
- ui_zoom_step: Zoom Speed (keys or scroll wheel)
- ui_zoom_step_tooltip: How far each keypress or notch on the scroll wheel jumps
- ui_camera_arrow_speed: Camera Speed with Keys
- ui_camera_arrow_speed_tooltip: % from slowest to fastest
- ui_opt_autosaveinterval: Autosave Interval
- ui_opt_autosaveinterval_tooltip: Every time the game autosaves, it makes a backup of the last file (up to 14 at a time)
- ui_opt_gridsnapsize: Grid Snap in Trays
- ui_opt_gridsnapsize_tooltip: Allows you to place cards with an overlap - or turn off gridsnap altogether
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_header: Allow Cards to Overlap when Auto-Sorting?
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_memories: Memories
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_memories_tooltip: Overlap allowed on the Memories & Lessons tray
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_abilities: Soul
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_abilities_tooltip: Overlap allowed on the Elements of the Soul tray
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_skills: Skills
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_skills_tooltip: Overlap allowed on the Skills & Languages tray
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_misc: Sundry
- ui_opt_autosortoverlap_misc_tooltip: Overlap allowed on the Sundry tray
- ui_opt_show_notification_copy_to_clipboard: Show Notifications for Copy to Clipboard
- ui_opt_show_notification_copy_to_clipboard_tooltip: If ticked, show the text that you've just copied to the clipboard
- ui_take_notes: (Take notes wherever you prefer.)
- ui_opt_disable_seasonals: Disable Seasonal Content
- ui_opt_disable_seasonals_tooltip: If you'd rather always have the uncluttered Hush House experience, tick this box. (Needs a reload or restart.)
- ui_autosort_earlier_cards_ontop: Earlier Cards On Top when Auto-Sorting?
- ui_autosort_earlier_cards_ontop_tooltip: Would you rather see the beginnings, or the ends?
- ui_celestialinfo_skyhiddenatstart: What time of day is it? Impossible to tell. The storm has robbed me of the sky...
- ui_bookshelf_label: BOOKSHELF
- ui_bookshelf_description: Books live happily upright here, but other things are permitted to join them.
- ui_bookshelf_editable_placeholder: -- UNLABELLED --
- ui_w_preservation: Preservation
- ui_w_bosk: Bosk
- ui_w_birdsong: Birdsong
- ui_w_horomachistry: Horomachistry
- ui_w_ithastry: Ithastry
- ui_w_illumination: Illumination
- ui_w_skolekosophy: Skolekosophy
- ui_w_hushery: Hushery
- ui_w_nyctodromy: Nyctodromy
- ui_num_i: I
- ui_num_ii: II
- ui_num_iii: III
- ui_num_iv: IV
- ui_num_v: V
- ui_num_vi: VI
- ui_num_vii: VII
- ui_num_viii: VIII
- ui_num_ix: IX
- ui_w_preservation_desc: Healing, restoration, renewal. Of all the Arts Unregarded, Preservation is most commonly dismissed by adepts as unworthy of attention.
- ui_w_bosk_desc: The lore of the primaeval wood; rarely written, often felt.
- ui_w_birdsong_desc: Music, riddles, miscellanea. 'If the gods gossiped...'
- ui_w_horomachistry_desc: The Bright Art dealing with the laws and contentions of the secret gods called Hours, and of their Name-emanations.
- ui_w_ithastry_desc: The Bright Art of alchemy, metallurgy, pyrotechnics. Sometimes called the Art that Alters.
- ui_w_illumination_desc: The brightest, and fiercest, of the Bright Arts, whose initiates purify themselves and the world around them.
- ui_w_skolekosophy_desc: The study of things that should not be studied - Worms, earthquakes, abrasions in the world's skin. The most abhorred of the Night Arts.
- ui_w_hushery_desc: Aesthetics; necromancy; silence.
- ui_w_nyctodromy_desc: The nightliest of the Night Arts: travel through the darkness and the hidden places.
- ui_wt_memorylocus_input_label: Rescued Journal
- ui_wt_memorylocus_input_desc: My memories lie curled in my journal like a seed in winter earth. [Once you've rescued and read your Journal, use it to unlock the Tree.]
- ui_refill_hint: Refill slots with recently used items
- ui_house_of_light: House of Light
- ui_tray_memories: Memories <voffset=0.1em><size=20>AND</size></voffset> Lessons
- ui_tray_abilities: Elements <voffset=0.1em><size=20>of the</size></voffset> Soul
- ui_tray_skills: Skills <voffset=0.1em><size=20>AND</size></voffset> Languages
- ui_tray_misc: Sundries
- ui_copied_to_clipboard: COPIED TO CLIPBOARD
- ui_refill: Refill
- ui_silence: [SILENCE]
- ui_assign: Assign
- ui_bugs_and_issues: BUGS AND ISSUES?
- ui_nx_slot0_title: Visitor
- ui_nx_slot1_description: Add a Visitor to enable that Visitor's choice.
- ui_furtherstories_add_npc: [Add the Visitor...]
- ui_your_histories: Your Histories
- ui_main_menu: Main Menu
- ui_enter_history: Enter History
- ui_furtherfiles: View Hidden Papers?
- ui_craftable: Craftable
- ui_return_next_day: Return Next Day...
- ui_story_complete: ~ Story Complete ~