

Element: mtri3



  • ++Trist: Despairing


  • Melancholy is the mist on the soul's waters. Despair is the wolf that prowls the water's edge.

Cross texts:

  • malady.inflicting
    • I've placed too heavy a strain on my soul. [Your Trist has a Malady.]
  • contamination.chionic
    • A chilly nimbus numbs my hands - a theoplasmic contamination. [My Trist, and this item, are contminated.]
  • contamination.actinic
    • A prickly brightness haloes this - theoplasmic contamination. [My Trist, and this item, are contminated.]

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: edgeabilitymalady9malady.cure.sky

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by:

Triggered from:

Triggers: None

Requirements for Recipes: None

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in: None

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None