

Ending: end.h.knock.asce.twiceborn



  • Twiceborn Victory: A Road of Bones


  • The Wheel in the House of the Moon, the Flint in the memories of the sky, the Seven-Coils in her children… the Sun's Paths, in the Sun's arrogance, touched all these places. Along these paths, the anger of the forgotten gods will flow, like a river, like the pounding of the heart. They will make of the paths a labyrinth of lovely bones... and therein I will dwell, neither in the House nor of it, neither alive nor dead, neither quite in History nor entirely in Eternity. <i>[You have proved yourself as Librarian; convinced the Hours to accept a History; changed the world; won the game. This is the memory that does not die. Please accept our congratulations.]</i>

Ending flavor: Grand

Animation: None

Achievement: None

Comments: None