

Element: edge



  • Edge
  • Грань


  • All conquest occurs at the Edge. One who dwells there is blind, and cannot be wounded. Another is strong, and grows stronger. [Edge is the principle of battle and of struggle.]
  • 一切征服都在<b>刃</b>处开始。有一位居于此处之人目盲且不受创伤。而另一位,则是强力无匹,且越战越强。[<b>刃</b>是战斗与抗争的准则。]
  • Грань – место, где свершаются все завоевания. Один из обитающих там слеп и не может быть ранен. Другой силён и делается всё сильнее. [Грань – принцип борьбы и битвы.]

Cross texts: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: None

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by: None

Triggered from:

Triggers: None

Imms: None

Imms from: None

Imms on: None

Requirements for Recipes:

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by:
assistance -> +boost.edgecollaborate.xmet
assistance -> +boost.edgecollaborate.xere
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.weather
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.omen
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.memory
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.fabric
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.device
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.tool
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.sustenance
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.beverage
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.candle
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.flower
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.fuel
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.metal
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.pigment
assistance -> +boost.edgeexalt.wood
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.2to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.3to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.4to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.5to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.6to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.7to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.8to1
skill -> 0u.numa.skill.9to1
journal -> +1do.record.edge
journal -> -de.edgedo.record.rose
journal -> -de.edgedo.record.knock
journal -> -de.winterdo.record.moon
journal -> -de.winterdo.record.forge
journal -> +1do.record.winter

Mutated in: None

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? Yes

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None