Element: bust.melancthe
- 'St Melancthe'
- Visionary, philosopher, alchemist. Most revered, and most heterodox, of the isle's abbesses. An inscription in Latin reads: THE CROSS DIED NOT BUT PASSED WITHIN.
Cross texts:
- scrutiny
- On closer inspection, this is a reliquary bust; which is to say, if I cracked it open, I could retrieve St Melancthe's actual skull. That would be uncouth.
Inherits: _
Inherited by: None
Aspects: 2lantern2boost.lanternconsiderablething
Induces: None
- Label:
- Effort
- [Add any Soul card.]
Commute: None
Triggered by:
Triggered from:
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes: None
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? No
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: Thing
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None