Start label: None
- Words to Walk By
- 通行之辞
- Слова разумные и неразумные
Preface: None
Start Description:
- Unwise words unlocked unwise doors; we can use wise words to lock them. This is a matter of Nyctodromy.
- 不智的话语开启了不智的门;我们可以使用明智的话语闭锁它们。这属于夜游术。
- Неразумные слова отворили опасные врата. Произнеся разумные слова, их можно запечатать вновь. Это – вопрос никтодромии.
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
- Unwise words unlocked unwise doors; we can use wise words to lock them.
- 不智的话语开启了不智的门;我们可以使用明智的话语闭锁它们。
- Неразумные слова отворили опасные врата. Произнеся разумные слова, их можно запечатать вновь.
Verb: None
Requirements: s.sickle.eclipse-1
Table Requirements: None
Extant Requirements: None
FX Requirements: None
Joint Requirement: None
Joint Absence RequirementNone
Effects: xsha
Aspects: None
Global triggers: None
Mutation Effects:
skill ->
skill ->
skill -> -1
Purge: None
Halt Verbs: None
Delete Verbs: None
Alternate Recipes: None
Additional Recipes: None
Linked alternate recipes: None
Linked Recipes: None
From Recipes: None
Pre-slots: None
Slots: None
Warmup: 0
Maximum executions: 0
Deck effectsNone
Internal Deck: None
Ending Flag: None
Signal Ending Flavor: None
Portal: None
Craftable? Yes
Hint Only? No
Signal Important Loop? No
Comments: None