Element: symbol.solinvictis
- Sol Invictis Symbol
- The eternal symbol of the Unconquered Sun, all the way back to the Shadowless Empire, even through the wild heresies of the Intercalate.
Cross texts:
- scrutiny
- Since the Reformation, one quarter is assigned to each of the orthodox Hours - Madrugad, Watchman, Wolf, Meniscate - and the junction at the wheel's heart to the Sun in Rags or Splendour. A less orthodox tradition assigns the rim to the enigmatic St Januarius.
Inherits: _wallart
Inherited by: None
Aspects: lanternboost.lanternwallartconsiderable
Induces: None
- Label:
- Effort
- [Add any Soul card.]
Commute: None
Triggered by:
Triggered from:
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes: None
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? No
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: WallArt
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None