

Element: credits.specialthanks



  • Special Thanks
  • 特别鸣谢
  • Особые благодарности


  • All our beta testers; Riley Labrecque for Steamworks.NET; Fingal's Coffee on Trafalgar Road; Norman Chalk; Jonny Koschland and Mark Lewis; Alex Tutty and Anna Poulter-Jones; PK and Sonja; Matt and Taz; Sulo and Chi
  • 全体beta测试参与者; Riley Labrecque for Steamworks.NET; Fingal's Coffee on Trafalgar Road; Norman Chalk; Jonny Koschland and Mark Lewis; Alex Tutty and Anna Poulter-Jones; PK and Sonja; Matt and Taz; Sulo and Chi
  • Всем нашим бета-тестерам; Райли Лабреку за Steamworks.NET; Fingal's Coffee на улице Трафалгар-Роуд; Норману Чалку; Джонни Кошленду и Марку Льюису; Алексу Тутти и Анне Полтер-Джонс; П. К. и Сонье; Мэтту и Тэзу; Суло и Чи

Cross texts: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: None

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by: None

Triggered from: None

Triggers: None

Imms: None

Imms from: None

Imms on: None

Requirements for Recipes: None

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in: None

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? No

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? Yes

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None