Recipe: present.u.evening
- Sunset Beneath the Tree
Start Description:
- Hush House lives again. Perhaps that's all I want. Some of the very best Librarians have worked well, lived quietly, left the world a better place... [This will end your game. Ambitious Librarians might prefer to keep looking for another victory. Contented librarians understand that to restore the House, and find the Tree, is victory enough. Or, of course, you could choose this ending any time you like - and begin again with another Librarian.]
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Description: None
Verb: world.tree.gate
Requirements: abilityjournal-1history
Table Requirements: None
Extant Requirements: None
FX Requirements: None
Effects: None
Aspects: None
Global triggers: None
Mutation Effects: None
Purge: None
Halt Verbs: None
Delete Verbs: None
Alternate Recipes: None
Additional Recipes: None
Linked Recipes: None
From Recipes: None
Slots: None
Warmup: 10
Maximum executions: 0
Deck effectsNone
Internal Deck: None
Ending Flag: end.u.evening
Signal Ending Flavor: None
Portal: None
Craftable? Yes
Hint Only? No
Signal Important Loop? No
Comments: None