Recipe: slnev.zachary.hokobald
Start label: None
Label: None
Preface: None
Start Description:
- Zachary and Hokobald discuss the Sun's division, which Zachary suspects is an outcome of 'a conspiracy of heaven', and Hokobald insists was 'the Great Work of Destiny'. [Lesson: The Great Signs and the Great Scars]
- 扎迦利和霍科博尔德讨论了太阳的分裂。扎迦利怀疑这是“天界阴谋”的结果,而霍科博尔德则坚称这是“命运的伟大创作”。[教诲:伟大符印与伟大伤疤]
- Захария и Хокобальд обсуждают рассечение Солнца, которое Уэйкфилд считает следствием «заговора небес», а магистр – «великим деянием Судьбы». [Урок: великие знаки и великие шрамы]
Inherits: _slnev
Inherited by: None
Description: None
Verb: salon.refectory
Requirements: zachary
Table Requirements: None
Extant Requirements: None
FX Requirements: None
Joint Requirement: None
Joint Absence RequirementNone
Effects: x.thegreatsignsandthegreatscars
Aspects: fatiguing.ability
Global triggers: None
Mutation Effects:
Purge: None
Halt Verbs: None
Delete Verbs: None
Alternate Recipes: None
Additional Recipes: None
Linked alternate recipes: None
Linked Recipes:
From Recipes:
Pre-slots: None
Slots: None
Warmup: 10
Maximum executions: 0
Deck effectsNone
Internal Deck: None
Ending Flag: None
Signal Ending Flavor: None
Portal: None
Craftable? No
Hint Only? No
Signal Important Loop? No
Comments: None