

Recipe: commit.hus.s.ericapaean


  • The King in the Mirror

Start Description:

  • There is a story told by students of silence: that a great and golden King held the only key to his deepest prison cell. One day he gave the key to his minister, and offered him a choice: to submit to execution, or to visit the cell and tell him what he found there. The minister made the wiser choice, and returned to show the King what he had found in the cell: a mirror. 'Then I release you,' the King declared. The minister left the palace that same day. His reflection, of course, said nothing at all.

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None


  • A great and golden King held the only key to his deepest prison cell. One day he gave the key to his minister, and offered him a choice: to submit to execution, or to visit the cell and tell him what he found there. The minister made the wiser choice, and returned to show the King what he had found in the cell: a mirror. 'Then I release you,' the King declared. The minister left the palace that same day. His reflection, of course, said nothing at all.

Verb: None

Requirements: s.ericapaean-1wisdom.committed

Table Requirements: None

Extant Requirements: None

FX Requirements: None

Effects: xtri

Aspects: None

Global triggers: None

Mutation Effects:

Purge: None

Halt Verbs: None

Delete Verbs: None

Alternate Recipes: None

Additional Recipes: None

Linked Recipes: None

From Recipes: None

Slots: None

Warmup: 0

Maximum executions: 0

Deck effectsNone

Internal Deck: None

Ending Flag: None

Signal Ending Flavor: None

Portal: None

Craftable? Yes

Hint Only? No

Signal Important Loop? No

Comments: None