Recipe: talk.visitor.intercept.ehsan.theseadoesnotregret
Start label: None
- 'Oh my -'
- “我的天——”
- «Вот это да...
Preface: None
Start Description:
- 'Old memories, Librarian! Some of them - well, some of those memories are better than others. Can I take a look?' [Ehsan will examine the book and return it to you. He won't leave until his other business is concluded.]
- “过去的回忆,图书管理员!它们中的一些——嗯,其中一些记忆比其他的要好。能借我重温一下吗?”[埃桑会在查阅完这本书后把它还给你。他在办完其他事情之前不会离开。]
- «Библиотекарь, это будит воспоминания! Некоторые из них... Ну, некоторые приятнее, чем другие. Можно взглянуть?» [Эхсан осмотрит книгу и вернёт вам. Он не уедет, пока не завершит свои остальные дела.]
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
- 'Does the Sweet Bones still do that starygazy pie...? Perhaps I'll drop in on my way home. Come to think of it, that reminds me of a recipe. You have to hear this -'
- “甜美的骨头还在做那种仰望星空派吗……?也许我能在回去的时候顺道看看。对了,这让我回想起了一份食谱。你一定得听听这个——”
- «В «Милых костях» ещё подают рыбный пирог? Может, я загляну туда по пути домой. Если подумать, это напомнило мне один рецепт. Сейчас я им поделюсь».
Verb: talk
Requirements: ehsan
Table Requirements: None
Extant Requirements: None
FX Requirements: None
Joint Requirement: None
Joint Absence RequirementNone
Effects: x.spices.savours
Aspects: None
Global triggers: None
Mutation Effects:
Purge: None
Halt Verbs: None
Delete Verbs: None
Alternate Recipes: None
Additional Recipes: None
Linked alternate recipes: None
Linked Recipes: None
From Recipes:
Pre-slots: None
Slots: None
Warmup: 10
Maximum executions: 0
Deck effectsNone
Internal Deck: None
Ending Flag: None
Signal Ending Flavor: None
Portal: None
Craftable? Yes
Hint Only? No
Signal Important Loop? No
Comments: None