

Element: r.maggephenemysteries



  • Subject: Maggephene Mysteries
  • 主题:疫疠之秘
  • Тема: моровые мистерии


  • 'The greater plagues may not be cured, only bound. The very greatest of all may only be entreated… and it is death to do so improperly.'
  • “严重的瘟疫无法治愈,只可遏制;最严重的瘟疫只能祈求……而失当的祈求则会招致死亡。”
  • «Худшие из поветрий нельзя исцелить, их можно только связать. Злейшие же остаётся лишь умолять, и делать это неумело значит навлечь погибель».

Cross texts: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Aspects: None

Induces: None

Slots: None

Commute: None

Triggered by: None

Triggered from: None

Triggers: None

Imms: None

Imms from: None

Imms on: None

Requirements for Recipes: None

Effect of Recipes: None

Mutated by: None

Mutated in: None

Referenced in Recipes: None

Lifetime: None

Decay To: None

Burn To: None

Decay from: None

Burn from: None

Aspect? Yes

Unique? No

Uniqueness Group: None

Hidden? No

No Art Needed? No

Manifestation type: None

Resaturate? No

Override Verb Icon: None

In Decks: None

Comments: None