

Recipe: nxh.n.endeavour.corso.acted.corso.project.solar.lantern.t.theothereyeoftheserpent


Start label: Corso

Label: None

Preface: None

Start Description: None

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None


  • 'Well that caused a fuss and a half. Can't see how they'll trace it back to me, long as you keep discreet, eh Librarian? but I think I might lay low for a bit. I think the war's receded, anyway. No-one else is going to be building a Fissifer, but they'll know what to do about it if anyone does. Balance of power.'
  • “嗯,这引起了不小的骚动。只要你缄口不言,他们就没法追查到我头上,是吧,图书管理员?但我可能会低调一段时间。反正我觉得战事已经平息了。不会再有人制造裂变者,但如果有人制造,他们也知道该怎么处理。这就是力量平衡。”
  • «Да уж, наделал я шума. Следы я замёл, – вы же меня не выдадите, да? – но, видимо, лучше мне на какое-то время всё же залечь на дно. Так или иначе, угроза войны, как мне кажется, отступила. Нового Фиссифера они не создадут, а если кто-то и попытается, все остальные будут знать, что этому противопоставить. Политическое равновесие».

Verb: nx

Requirements: corsoacted.corso.project.solar.lanternt.theothereyeoftheserpentn.endeavour

Table Requirements: None

Extant Requirements: None

FX Requirements: None

Joint Requirement: None

Joint Absence RequirementNone

Effects: spintria.bronzeinkling

Aspects: nx.harminginspiring.fear.chandler

Global triggers: None

Mutation Effects: None

Purge: None

Halt Verbs: None

Delete Verbs: None

Alternate Recipes: None

Additional Recipes: None

Linked alternate recipes: None

Linked Recipes: None

From Recipes:

Pre-slots: None

Slots: None

Warmup: Until next day

Maximum executions: 0

Deck effectsNone

Internal Deck: None

Ending Flag: None

Signal Ending Flavor: None

Portal: None

Craftable? No

Hint Only? No

Signal Important Loop? No

Comments: None