Element: houndsgall
- Houndsgall
- 猃瘿墨
- Гончая тушь
- Books written in Houndsgall are more likely to return to their owner, or one to whom they have been legitimately sold. An Ink of Containment.
- 用猃瘿墨写出的书更有可能回到它们的主人,或是被合法售予的人手中。一种收容之墨。
- Книги, написанные гончей тушью, скорее вернутся к своему владельцу – или тому, кто законным образом их приобрёл. Одно из Чернил удержания.
Cross texts:
- scrutiny
- It'll be hell to get off my fingers. [There are Keeper-level Scale recipes that can produce this with the tacit assistance of a Living Relic.]
- 把它从我手指上弄下来会要了命的难。[在秘授级的<b>鳞</b>下,存在可以通过活化石的帮助提炼出猃瘿墨的配方。]
- Теперь я замучаюсь отмывать пальцы. [Существуют рецепты, как, заручившись негласной помощью Живого ископаемого, сварить эти чернила силою 15-й ступени Чешуи.]
Inherits: _liquid
Inherited by: None
Aspects: inkedgeboost.edge2heart2boost.heart5scale5boost.scaleliquidconsiderablething
Induces: None
- Label:
- Effort
- 努力
- Усилие
- [Add any Soul card.]
- [增添任一魂质卡。]
- [Добавьте карту души.]
Commute: None
Triggered by:
- fatiguing -> dregs
- fatiguing.ingredients -> dregs
- scrutiny -> houndsgall
- scrutiny -> Spawn 1mem.scent
Triggered from:
Triggers: None
Imms: None
Imms from: None
Imms on: None
Requirements for Recipes: None
Effect of Recipes:
Mutated by: None
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? No
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: Thing
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None