Element: malady
- Malady
- Something has snared or sickened my soul. [Soul cards can be Malady-tainted when you're exposed to dangerous influences - sometimes when you fail in a task. Maladies cannot be exhausted, but your soul is altered and weakened, and there can be serious consequences if they go untreated.]
Cross texts: None
Inherits: None
Inherited by: None
Aspects: None
Induces: None
Slots: None
Commute: None
Triggered by: None
Triggered from: None
Triggers: None
Requirements for Recipes:
Effect of Recipes: None
Mutated by: None
Mutated in: None
Referenced in Recipes: None
Lifetime: None
Decay To: None
Burn To: None
Decay from: None
Burn from: None
Aspect? Yes
Unique? No
Uniqueness Group: None
Hidden? No
No Art Needed? No
Manifestation type: None
Resaturate? No
Override Verb Icon: None
In Decks: None
Comments: None