

Recipe: night.rectory


  • Unsociable Hours

Start Description:

  • The rectory is dark, and Terrence the housekeeper is probably aprowl. I should return after dawn.

Inherits: None

Inherited by: None

Description: None

Verb: village.rectory.openvillage.rectory.open.friend

Requirements: None

Table Requirements: None

Extant Requirements: sleepytime

FX Requirements: None

Effects: None

Aspects: None

Global triggers: None

Mutation Effects: None

Purge: None

Halt Verbs: None

Delete Verbs: None

Alternate Recipes: None

Additional Recipes: None

Linked Recipes: None

From Recipes: None

Slots: None

Warmup: 0

Maximum executions: 0

Deck effectsNone

Internal Deck: None

Ending Flag: None

Signal Ending Flavor: None

Portal: None

Craftable? No

Hint Only? Yes

Signal Important Loop? No

Comments: None